
The rules and conventions of the comic page have evolved into a complex grammar that owes much of its syntax to the materials used to record and convey it. Likewise, the Web offers a new platform for exploring a new set of affordances. Working in elective teams, students will experiment with these new comics media by creating and publish a graphic narrative in webcomic format. This page provides an overview of the various components of this assignment and some instructions for completing those components effectively.

These webcomics will publish consistently from October 19 to November 7 with no fewer than 6 posts total.


The process of working on a webcomic, like any other group project, will work best when there are
1) clear, open lines of communication between group members,
2) a common sense of what each team member is responsible for, and
3) a mutual trust that each teammate will complete his or her tasks in a timely manner.

Your first goal, therefore, should be to get to know one another. Whenever possible, conduct small group conversations with your working group — in Discord or in person — and try and get sense of each others ideas and working style.


  • October 1. Begin planning your comic and prepare your proposal.
  • October 3. Submit your proposal, establish your process, and begin drafting content.
  • October 9, October 11, or TBD. Schedule a meeting with the professor to discuss your proposal.
  • By October 21. Create (to completion) your first weeks-worth of comic posts.
  • October 19. Publish your first comic.
  • November 7. Publishing ends.
  • November 16. Presentations happen. Individual reflections are due.

Division of Labor

Teams must decide how to divide the work of the project evenly so that each member spends a generally similar amount of time working. That time may be different depending on your experience with various tools involved in the process, or it may vary with the type of comic you’re producing. But generally speaking, teams of 4 should find it useful to delegate at least one member to each of the tasks listed below. Teams of 3 will probably find it useful to combine “Team Leader” with “Web Manager.” Of course, each individual may contribute to other individual’s tasks, and duties may shift or combine as the work progresses.

Team Leader(s)
Organizes meetings, delegates tasks, and takes responsibility for meeting the comic’s deadlines. Customizes the site design, manages the updates, helps engage and draw in an audience. May also complete the digital proofing.
Creates the characters and situation for the comic, and produces the basic script for each update. May also complete the lettering.
Actually draws the comic. The art is really the main thing and can tend to be the largest bulk of work, so all group members must participate in the artistic process. To be more efficient, it helps to have an individual who coordinates and delegates that work.


Before beginning production, each team should discuss their relevant talents and interests with regard to publishing this comic and how each member can contribute to the process given the division of labor listed. By October 5, each team must submit a proposal, a report that includes the following sections:

  1. A basic overview of the story including characters, setting, and key plot elements.
  2. A description of your division of labor.
  3. A flow chart outlining all the steps a comic goes through before it can be published.
  4. A list of deadlines for each planned comic post.
  5. A logo, sample image, or some graphic element that can be used in promoting your comic.


This comic will be yours to design and produce, so the topic and content are up to you. However, a few basic rules will help ensure your project’s success, as well as enforcing a comparative scope across the entire class. Therefore, your comic should be:

Published online.
I will introduce you to Comic Easel, which we already have installed here on Marywashicomics.com.
Published sequentially and consistently; at least three weeks total. Post your first comic no later than October 19, and continue publishing at least twice a week until November 7.
Create at least one story arc and bring it to some sort of narrative conclusion.
Each member of the group should participate in the process in some meaningful way.

The grade you receive on this project is divided among four distinct areas: 1) the comic, 2) your group’s presentation, and 3) your group’s website will all be collective grades that you share as a group. 4) Your “webcomic participation” grade is a reflection of what you individually contributed to each of those three collective elements.

The Comic

The comic you produce should be a continuous narrative of some sort, of whatever genre or style you decide upon as a team. This work should be produced collaboratively; no single person should do every step of the comic’s production. The grade for the comic itself is shared, so also should the work be shared. The comic will be graded on the following rubric:

Narrative Cohesion

Does the story make sense? Does it introduce conflict and move toward a reasonable conclusion? Do the characters seem appropriately complex and fitting for their role in the story at hand?


Artistic Consistency

Does the art have a distinct and consistent look? Are the characters recognizable from one panel to the next? Does the panel structure and gutter make good use of established conventions?


Digital Specificity

Does the comic take advantage of its being on the web to accomplish something interesting and relevant? In other words, is this distinctly a “webcomic”, as opposed to a “trade paperback”?



All presentations will be given on November 16, following a version of the “Pecha Kucha” philosophy. In this case, the rules are simple: create a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation consisting of 9 content slides and 1 title slide. Then, set the presentation to advance automatically after 40 seconds. The result is a presentation lasting exactly 6:40. Plan it so that each team member speaks at least once, and make sure you cover:

  • your comic’s theme and plot
  • your creative working process
  • your division of labor as a team
  • your approach to publicizing the comic
  • your design choices in setting up or using the website to post your comics

Your presentation will be evaluated on the following rubric:


The presentation should flow smoothly and logically, stick to the time requirement, and involve every team member.


Visual Material

The slides should be informative and engaging but not distracting or overloaded with text.



Among other things, the presentation should discuss the team’s approach to putting the comic online, including hosting and design choices.


Creative Process

The presentation should also discuss the creative process that led to the final version of the comic.



Describe the comic’s intended audience, and discuss what your analytics revealed about your actual audience.


Individual Participation

By November 18, submit a brief reflection in Canvas (a few sentences is fine) summarizing how your project went, what you contributed to the project, and what each of your teammates contributed. You may wish to assign each teammate a letter grade evaluating their performance. This report will, of course, remain confidential. Your participation grade will be based on my impression of your participation, which will be based on

  1. Your reflection
  2. Your teammate’s reflections
  3. My own observations

You will not receive a webcomic grade if you do not submit a reflection.