Housepets! is a long-running webcomic written and illustrated by furry artist Rick Griffin. It explores the lives and relationships of anthropomorphic animals, primarily dogs and cats, living as pets in an American suburb. The comic began with a focus on humor and slice of life stories, but eventually incorporated supernatural elements and magic to create […]
Tag: online comics
Breaking the Barrier
When I first walked into a comic book store, the first thing I thought was how huge the space was. The walls were lined with comics that reached the ceiling and rows were made to have just enough room to walk, not wasting any of the space comic books could occupy. As I walked through the […]
Even More Webcomics
Through my last blog post, I came across even more web-based comics that I hadn’t seen before! One is by Dakota McFadzean who has worked for Mad Magazine, DreamWorks TV, and Funny or Die. His style is odd. Some have to do with weird body (horror?) others are cute others put existential human questions onto animals […]