What’s The Deal With Fantastic Four?

Introduction So, I’ve done my past three blog posts on either the MCU, Marvel in general, or a Marvel franchise. I thought it would be fitting to finish up with another Marvel post. This time I’ll be perusing the Fantastic Four franchise to figure out why it always ends up being terrible movies. I’ve mentioned […]

How Far is too Far? A Comic that Pushes It

Trigger warnings: Murder, Graphic gore, Rape, suicide, extreme language to include some slurs, pedophilia, child murder, nudity, necrophilia, cannibalism, self mutilation, incest (family ties)   You have to say to yourself sometimes while consuming content: there’s no way they would go there. Right? Well, Crossed goes there. I read some of these comics quite a few years ago and needless […]

About “About Death”

I’ve never really been much for religion. I don’t have any problems with it– I just don’t really consider it a part of my life. That’s why I think I was so surprised at how the webcomic “About Death” by Sini Hyeono caught my interest. It didn’t make a huge impact on my life, or […]

Netflix and Anime? A Review of the Netflix Original Series The Seven Deadly Sins

Anime, it seems now, is becoming more and more a part of main stream media in American society today. With this new uprising it seems companies are trying to capitalize on this former niche market created from the graphic novels originating in Japan. One big one that we all use today is Netflix with it’s […]

A Heroes Return to Crime Fighting and a Readers Return to Comics

When I was younger the majority of my readings included comic books and graphic novels. I would buy comic books regularly at my local comic book stores and check out a lot of graphic novels from the library. I was pretty avid about doing this until around my junior year of high school. I still […]

What Happens When You’re Drunk at a Nerd Convention?

A Little Background Knowledge: In the autumn of 2016 I took a trip to Atlanta, Georgia with a friend to go to Dragon Con.  Dragon Con, for those who do not know, is a conglomeration of everything that society considers “nerdy.”  There are video games, card games, board games, miniatures games, panels and photo ops […]