Dyslexia is a common learning disorder that affects how someone perceives the order of words, sentences, or other symbols. This creates difficulty perceiving the intended message that has been written out. However, it is important to know that dyslexia has no effect on the intelligence of a single person. In fact, some of the smartest people had dyslexia such as “Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.” Yet, many people who have dyslexia become overwhelmed with difficulties when trying to read, resulting in a dislike to read. However, this can and has all changed thanks to graphic novels.
The organization of graphic novels, in general, have incidentally created a better reading option for those who have dyslexia. Most graphic novels still use words through narration or speech bubbles. This means that there are still words that dyslexics will have to overcome; however, the smaller amounts make it less overwhelming and frustrating. This is helpful in more than one way. It allows someone to simply reread the small phrase or sentence again and again until the message has been properly delayed. Another option for someone with dyslexia can be to simply ignore the sentence they are struggling with and rely on the images provided. According to a blog at Reading Horizons.com, dyslexics do better with “multi-sensory” readings, when “reinforcing information is presented, the easier and more enduring language learning becomes for dyslexics.” This is one of the great qualities of graphic novels. Whether there are sentences or not, a graphic novel can often be portrayed through the images itself. In the picture below you can understand the situation that is taking place. A princess imagines her future of being free, that is until a King takes her away.
A dyslexic can get an understanding of the situation first through the scene provided and then attempt reading the sentences once again, filling in the confusion with real words. This is not only helpful in the moment but also creates a stronger mind and improves future reading skills overall. As mentioned dyslexia does not mean someone is unintelligible; however, the will have to learn how to deal with dyslexia at their own pace. Graphic novels have always been aimed towards different audiences no matter the age, mindset, or genre. However, it has now become a new tool to encourage those who have lower levels of reading or understanding to improve and grow.
Hanna, this was a great article. One of my sons had to overcome dyslexia, although he occasionally shows signs of it, and not one of his sons are exhibiting signs. This can be a very frustrating disability, especially when one is very smart and understands the material in or out of school, but has difficulty articulating. He had and still has an awesome memory which helped him quite a bit. His memory associated with word phrasing was very instrumental in helping him achieve his potential. Thankfully, my son received plenty of help learning how to deal with it and is doing well now. He spent eight years in the Marine Corp, went to college after that and has earned a Master’s degree in business. I also have a grandson that is autistic and learning to deal with events. These disabilities can be overwhelming if not properly dealt with but there is help available. By the way, he was really into comics as a youngster, so the graphic novels did help him as well. Thanks for the article.