Boundless was an interesting comic to read because of its episodic nature. It was so different from everything else we’ve read in that all the different stories stood on their own instead of being interconnected (although style and similar content remained consistent throughout.)
This reminded me a bit of A Contract With God due to the separate stories, although that one seemed a bit more connected with similar characters and storylines. Boundless was refreshing to me because each comic started fresh with a brand new story and stood as a short snippet among the rest.
I really enjoyed how every part of it had a lot of content that was told within just a short amount of pages. Each chapter had a lot of power and meaning within them and it seemed to remain the same across the board.
Reading a graphic novel like this one made me interested in possibly finding other graphic novels of a similar nature. I found it to be a refreshing change from the typical, cohesive nature of storytelling.
Graphic novels have the power to do a lot and to break away from traditional storytelling norms (for example, by breaking out of the gutter, removal of a gutter, etc.) and that is something that I hadn’t entirely taken into consideration before this class.
In this class, we were able to take a look at multiple forms of storytelling within graphic novels, and I have to say that Boundless was one of my favorites. I really liked the style and the ways in which each separate story is told. I would definitely be interested in reading more like it in the future.