Bringing the Planets to Life: Using Graphic Novels in School

This semester, I am taking an education class that teaches how to incorporate the different arts into the classroom. Recently, we completed an example lesson where we had to create a dance based on the process of how a cloud is formed. This incorporation of art to teach about the clouds reminded me of an […]

Fish, Kites, and Drawing Pains

Recently in class, we have been discussing webcomics. While the comics I tend to read are manga, Marvel comics, or DC comics, I do read some online comics as well. One artist who I follow is a DeviantArt user named Yuumei. She tends to do a lot of artwork but she has written several comics […]

Kats, Nekos, and the USA: Preparing for an anime convention

I have gone to conventions since my freshman year of high school. My first anime convention was actually at Rust Library up in Loudoun County. It was a small convention where we got to make candy sushi, played games, had a cosplay and artwork contest, and had a manga swap where we could take as […]

Shinigami: Japan’s Gods of Death

By Katelyn Wolfgang Warning: Contains some spoilers for Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, and Full Moon Wo Sagashite In manga, Japanese graphic novels, different beliefs of death are depicted. However, one of the most common is the belief in Shinigami, also known as death gods who are often seen involved with death such as collecting the souls […]