Heartstopper Webcomic to Netflix Series

Comics being adapted into film is not a new idea. The “first” comic to movie occurred around the ‘20s to ‘40s, depending on the definition of comic and superheroes. Another blogger, tjones, made a different analysis of webcomic on Netflix, focusing on the buying of Millarworld. In this essay, I am discussing the adaptation of […]

Body Politics: Gender and Socialization in Fun Home

Pictured here is the image attached to Bechdel's Chapter Four: In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower

by MILEN MEHARI Gender, a socially constructed concept, is heavily dependent on social policing in the production of gender norms. While social policing is typically observed as an activity that the general public inflicts onto apparent deviants of this norm, everyone takes part in the policing of gender. Even those who stray from gender norms […]

LGBTQ + C(omics)

LGBTQ representation in our society has grown substantially throughout recent years. LGBTQ individuals were once brushed off by society, and those who had come out were ridiculed and discriminated against. Society disapproved of being a homosexual and some believed being a homosexual would result in going to hell after death. Families of those who were […]