Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: a Pop-Up Page Turner Graphic Novel

I grew up in a family who loves to read, and I was privileged that my aunt worked for Scholastic books in New York City as a copy editor. She sent me boxes full of books on a monthly basis that not only contained Scholastic but various books appropriate for all ages. Needless to say, […]

WARNING: You Will be in Your Feelings

Pictured here is Maya and an elderly woman sitting by a fountain

by MILEN MEHARI Children and the elderly. These are two demographics that will always get me emotional. They can literally be doing anything, smiling, frowning, laughing, sneezing, sleeping, thinking, and I will find a reason to be emotionally invested and sensitive to them. One of the books we read in class Ghosts (Telgemeier 2016), was so […]