Hulk Smash

Most depictions of Bruce Banner emphasize the duality of his mild mannered personality with that of the Hulk. He is typically written and viewed as a mild mannered, troubled genius, who struggles to keep his temper in check so that he doesn’t hulk out and become a liability. He is viewed with sympathy as he […]

Captain America: A Political Move

With the introduction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and all the movies that file under that, people are generally aware of who Captain America is:  he dresses in the United States flag and is a modern-day Uncle Sam.  He truly is because he was created as a political move. The first Captain America comic was […]

The X-Men and Injustices: A Short Recount/Modern Glimpse

In the Marvel Universe (MU), there are super natural/human beings that have very diverse powers and abilities. Among this group of super beings are the Mutants, though we know a few of them better as the X-Men. According to the Marvel website, “Mutants (also known as “homo superior”) are an offshoot sub-species of humanity who […]