After reading Chapter 3, The Super, there were several happenings that struck a cord with me. When it comes to the super, Mr. Scuggs, he really only cares about a few things; his dog, money, alcohol, and women. Naked women. Everyone in his building believes he is a scary and brutish old man because as seen in the first few pages when one of his tenants asked if Mr. Scuggs could fix the hall steps he replied “I’m running this building Mr. Lewinsky! And I’ll decide when things need to be fixed!” The text goes on to say that it was perhaps what they didn’t know that fed the fear. This revealed how Mr. Scuggs’s tenants did not fully know him so they probably presume horrible things about him. A little later on in the chapter when Mr. Scuggs visits Ms. Farfell, her niece, Rosie, is introduced. At first glance I assumed she was at least 18 as she posed covering her naked body and stared intensely at Mr. Scuggs. From her expression one can see that she is completely aware of the affect she is having on him which to me was the first sign of the malignancy of this girl. As Mr. Scuggs walks away from their apartment he continues to look over his shoulder where she stands in the doorway watching him leave. He’s a bit anxious when she stares at him on his way out, Rosie knew immediately how she could use Mr. Scugg’s infatuation with her to her advantage.
To my surprise it turned out the niece of Ms. Farfell is only ten years old. This young girl bested the pervy Mr. Scuggs as she comes into his home offering to show her body for money, poisoning his beloved dog and then stealing his money box. Looking back at Mr. Scuggs and the niece one can conclude that he is not a good man, not in the slightest but it is Rosie who is the true antagonist. She calculated her every move and it was easy for her. She already knew the tenants deeply disliked Mr. Scuggs so even if he were to explain that she stole from him they would not believe him. She would play on his perversion by behaving childish like to lower his guard and rid him of his only companion. Rosie despite her age was more clever than Mr.Scuggs and thoroughly thought out her plan and it went just how she thought. It was hard not feel for Mr.Scuggs when his only friend was killed, on page 119 he holds his dead dog and sobs and proceeds to kill himself.
For most his life Mr. Scuggs kept to himself and was well aware that most did not like him except his dog, his every faithful companion. He is probably accustomed to people disliking him so he keeps to himself and relishes the idea that he is of importance to his apartment building. This little girl orchestrated her plan to the t and resulted in the death of Mr. Scuggs and his dog.
In another blog post from December 2015 for Dr. Whalen’s class Dr. KennethNoiseWater shared similar ideas to mine in that he felt that Mr.Scuggs is not a good man but he did feel sad for him and didn’t believe he deserved what Rosie did to him. He also wrote about how Mr.Scuggs goes to the boiler room and fixes a pipe. I never thought about this, in fact I had to go back in the book to see what he was talking about. This is super interesting, almost like Mr. Scuggs was doing his last good deed because he knew what was going to happen to him that night. The book is even more sad to me now than it was before.
If others come to read this graphic novel I hope they recognize that Mr. Scuggs in not a good man in the slightest but it is Rosie who is the malevolent one in the story.