The American Comic Book and its Jewish origins

At this point, I think it’s safe to say that over the semester we’ve looked at comics and graphic novels in depth. Like…super in depth. I mean, what else can you do in a class like this? And while it’s been great to see some historical stuff (Oldbuck), read some pretty out there stuff (Das […]

Why Black Panther Is More Than A “Marvel Movie”

Hey guys, it’s Candy, coming at ya with another Black Panther post. I know there are several posts already about the movie, and while a fourth one might be a little on the “overdone” side, there is something about this movie that I wish to talk about. And that’s the subject of Black Panther being way more than […]

Did Maximum Ride Really Need A Graphic Novel?

When I was younger, I spent…a lot of time standing in the manga section of Books-A-Million just deciding what issue of the most popular manga I wanted. And since I spent a good chunk of time just looking at the books, I often noticed a new trend in the Manga/Graphic Novel section: graphic novel adaptations […]

What’s This Little Bubble For?

Now, I will admit: I don’t read comics that often. Back in my preteen years, sure, you could often see me with manga in my hands. Sometimes I’d read the Sunday Comics section of the newspaper, but outside of that? Never really got into comics. However, from what I have seen of comics here and […]