Autism: Parental Planning Challenges

Autism, as a lifelong deficit, is challenging to parents with autistic children as they consider their future. As the Autism Society so succinctly delineates, “In our culture, autism spectrum disorder is often thought of as a childhood condition, with public attention focused primarily on children and the importance of early detection and intervention.  However, autism […]

Don’t Speculate The Spectrum

My grandson, PJ is brilliant! There is no doubt about that. All someone has to do is spend some time with him and they can see how fantastic he is. Although he primarily likes to keep to himself – do his own thing – he has some favorite people and things that he loves, and […]

Autism Speaks Through PJ

  Hello, I’m Paul Benjamin Riley, II, but everyone calls me P.J. I’m an autism specialist. That’s because I’m autistic! I want you to know that you don’t have to be afraid of me when you see me. I am a normal kid. I like to do things other kids do. I just do them my way. […]