Dark Themes in Graphic Novels

Prior to taking this class, I had very little experience with graphic novels. I grew up reading silly comics such as Garfield, or Calvin and Hobbes, but I never read any “serious” comics or graphic novels. From what we have read so far in this class, I can definitely say (in a good way) that […]

First Impressions of a Graphic Novel From A Virgin

Get your head out of the gutter- I’m a graphic novel virgin. Until this class, my only experience with comics and graphic novels was the scene in Juno (my favorite movie), where she talks about how bad ass it is that there’s a comic of a pregnant superhero called The Most Fruitful Yuki. It’s not that I hadn’t […]

Religion or Transaction? Thematic Analysis

The hollow and fickle nature of transactional relationships is a central theme throughout Will Eisner’s graphic novel, “A Contract with God”. The short stories work consecutively to explore this theme, starting from a relatively simple example and becoming more nuanced and ethically dense. The first short story, “A Contract with God,” introduces the theme with […]