Newman- a Modern Fantasy Comic

When people think of fantasy games such as D&D, people think medieval times and ages long past. They wouldn’t be wrong. Newman, one of the comics featured on LINE Webtoon, take the Dungeons and Dragon’s setting and takes it into the modern world. It focuses on Newman, a gnome, and Gwen, a Drow Elf, who […]

In Defense of Rebecca Sugar’s Lumpy Art

“I hate this. The art is too lumpy.” Is what my friend said when I sent him one of my favorite early works of Rebecca Sugar, the animator most prominently known for storyboarding Adventure Time and creating Steven Universe. I blinked at my computer screen and leaned closer, trying to fit the words “hate” and […]

The Weird and Wonderful World of Dame Darcy

The first time I read Dame Darcy’s Meat Cake comics, I received it as a gift for either my birthday or Christmas. It was a gift from my Mom’s weird but very cool boyfriend (who is now my father) when I was in high school. A few years later for a Christmas I received The […]