“Whatever Knows Fear Burns at the Touch of the Man-Thing.”

Closeup of Man-Thing

What the Hell is Man-Thing? Man-Thing is a character in the Marvel universe; he’s not really a hero, but he’s definitely not a villain.  He first appeared in the 1971 comic Savage Tales, issue number 1 and was created by Stan Lee with the help of Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, and originally drawn by Gray Morrow. To get […]

Batman Forever and the Seduction of Spectacle

“Why be brutalized by an uncaring world?” Wayne Tech employee, Edward Nygma eagerly approaches billionaire Bruce Wayne. Brimming with excitement, he presents his latest device. “By stimulating neurons, manipulating brain waves this device makes the audience feel like they’re inside the show.” he explains. But Wayne is hesitant, believing that tampering with brain waves simply […]