Where is the line drawn?

TW: Sexual assault, violence As I was thinking about what I would write my blog about, a clear topic rose up in my mind. One of the most impactful moments I have had while reading a graphic novel was when I read the Killing Joke. This was one of the first graphic novels I read […]

Oh the Squirrelmanity!: The Unique Humanity of Squirrel Girl

As a superhero comic, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is unique for a number of reasons: the millennial humor, the distinctly non-sexualized female protagonist, the lighter tone, and the sheer quantity of squirrels, to name a few (some of these elements are discussed more in depth in an earlier blogpost). All of these elements make Squirrel […]

Do You Really Know Antman?

I first discovered Ant-Man during a part-time summer job at the movie theater. After seeing the movie and Paul Rudd portrayal of the character, Ant-man quickly became my favorite hero in the marvel universe. I wanted to know more about the history of this character and was quite surprised when I found out there have […]

Big Daddies and Motherfuckers: The Freudian Misogyny of Kick-Ass 2

Bruce Wayne is a man constantly reliving his traumatic childhood, fighting through it by playing dress up and sneaking out at night. The Fantastic Four is a dysfunctional American family where four childhood friends play house with Sue Storm and Reed Richards fulfilling the roles of mother and father. Captain Marvel is a literal child […]

Batman Forever and the Seduction of Spectacle

“Why be brutalized by an uncaring world?” Wayne Tech employee, Edward Nygma eagerly approaches billionaire Bruce Wayne. Brimming with excitement, he presents his latest device. “By stimulating neurons, manipulating brain waves this device makes the audience feel like they’re inside the show.” he explains. But Wayne is hesitant, believing that tampering with brain waves simply […]

A Heroes Return to Crime Fighting and a Readers Return to Comics

When I was younger the majority of my readings included comic books and graphic novels. I would buy comic books regularly at my local comic book stores and check out a lot of graphic novels from the library. I was pretty avid about doing this until around my junior year of high school. I still […]

Superman: A Modern Day Zeus

A superhero is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as: a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also : an exceptionally skillful or successful person. With this definition it is easy to see the connection of superheroes to gods of Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology. For this blog I will be looking into similarities between the two […]

The Return of the (Printed) Comic Book

On September 18, 2016, an article was published on the Comichron website detailing the rise in comic book orders. According to the article, “Since 1998, Diamond Comic Distributors has never shipped more than 10 million comic books to comics shops in a single month. That changed in August, as DC‘s “Rebirth” resulted in shipments of […]