Throughout the course of the semester we have seen a variety of comics and graphic novels. The interesting thing about those were how vastly different they all were.
In class we looked at different examples of different comics and the many paneling options, word bubbles design, etc. that they come in. The same goes with the graphic novels we have read or even the web-comics our class made, They are all designed differently, but still in a way that makes them comics. This leads me to the question, what makes them all interesting? Overall, I think what makes them interesting are the variety of styles them have and the ability of them to tell a clear story.
I found this blogpost by Patrick Yurick, he lists the 5 qualities of comics that he uses for his site. They are a consistent narrative, command of pacing, evolving style, elicits passion, and good presentation. Of all the qualities he listed, to me, the one that I think is the most important is consistent narrative. I like for the stories to be clear so that I know what is happening. Some novels have a lot of stories happening in one novel and it can get to the point where it is very difficult to keep up. Of all the graphic novels we have read in class, the one that had the qualities I was looking for was Ghosts. It had very good artwork and detail within it and told an interesting story that was easy to follow and kept you connected.