The Importance of Original Characters (OCs) in Fiction

If you’ve heard the phrase “Original character, pls don’t steal,” you know what I’m talking about. The internet is quick to judge kids who make characters to fit into their favorite franchises. Sure, many of these characters might be wildly recolored replicas of characters that already exist within the canon universe, or they might be […]

Mental Illness As Illustrated By rubyetc Through Silly Comics

I’ll just get straight to the point. This whole article is dedicated to silly drawings of vaguely humanoid blobs, and a chicken. These are comics by rubyetc (or rubyetc_ on Instagram) depicting some of her experiences with mental illness. Typically, when we imagine an illness, we think of the flu, or tuberculosis, etc. Something related […]

MediBang! Paint Pro as a Comic-Making Program

There are a lot of different painting programs out there ranging from the pricey-as-always-but-always-deliver Adobe products, or Smith Micro Software, to the bare-bones, free download options that many artists use to make art just as well as with more expensive programs. There are a lot of free options that get more exposure than MediBang! Paint […]

Lord Huron’s Strange Trails: The Comic Book, the Video Series, and the Album Itself

Lord Huron’s second full album, Strange Trails, was released in April of 2015, featuring 14 masterful indie-folk tracks, but the band’s founding member, Ben Schneider, had a much broader idea of what the album could be. His interest in deepening the experience of the band’s music has expanded over several medias including a comic book, […]