Far Out, Far Side.

I remember sitting in my bed at the ripe age of eight reading through a book full of “The Far Side” comics. I would leaf through the pages, get to the end, and then turn around and read the whole thing again. I’m not sure where I came across this book, nor am I entirely […]

The Power of Friendship

In most comics and manga, the main character’s story is one of trouble and tabulation. The main character, generally male, can only grow because of the people around them. Because of these strong connections, the main character becomes more and more powerful until they can defeat the main villain of the story or even just […]

Hulk Smash

Most depictions of Bruce Banner emphasize the duality of his mild mannered personality with that of the Hulk. He is typically written and viewed as a mild mannered, troubled genius, who struggles to keep his temper in check so that he doesn’t hulk out and become a liability. He is viewed with sympathy as he […]

The Return of the (Printed) Comic Book

On September 18, 2016, an article was published on the Comichron website detailing the rise in comic book orders. According to the article, “Since 1998, Diamond Comic Distributors has never shipped more than 10 million comic books to comics shops in a single month. That changed in August, as DC‘s “Rebirth” resulted in shipments of […]

Bat I-Work-Alone Man

In May 1939, the 27th issue of the Detective Comics was released, introducing Batman. He quickly became known as a new hero who worked alone. Not long later, people realized that the Bat-signal in the sky draws the Dark Knight. Today, that same symbol will not only notify Batman, but a Robin or even a Batgirl may […]

Pack Attack! A Superhero Comic for Kids

It’s been talked about in previous blog posts that modern day comics have a tendency towards darker visuals and subject matters; Tlanier’s post is a great analysis. It is undeniable that the movement ‘comics aren’t just for kids anymore’ has had some spectacular results. Many superhero comics have evolved into a literary form that is deep, plot-driven, and […]

Archie Forever

As a child, I had an obsession with a particular comic called Archie. My father first introduced it to me around the age of 9 or 10 and I instantly became hooked. Archie was something my father and I bonded over, due to the fact that he had read it as well when he was younger. […]