Peanuts in the making

For my blog, I wanted to concentrate on a comic that was a little more fun, specifically The Peanuts. This comic started in October of 1950 until February of 2000. Over the years, the Peanuts Comic has developed in different ways including the drawing technique and even the humor. Some themes in the comic The […]

What’s in a title?

After reading Will Eisner’s A Contract With God, I was intrigued by his art and typography style, and curious about his earlier works. During my research, I came upon an image that stuck with me: a title page from Eisner’s The Spirit, a sixteen-page insert in the Sunday newspaper that ran for twelve years. What I find so […]

A Profile: The Walking Dead.

**spoilers, obviously** **Content warning.** “[Robert Kirkman is the] poster child for indie comics” -Blair Butler  Whether you’ve read it or not you’ve probably heard of The Walking Dead. Robert Kirkman’s cultural phenomenon spans across media with a comic book juggernaut, multiple video games, a book series, and a hit TV show. Kirkman has described his […]

Captain America: A Political Move

With the introduction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and all the movies that file under that, people are generally aware of who Captain America is:  he dresses in the United States flag and is a modern-day Uncle Sam.  He truly is because he was created as a political move. The first Captain America comic was […]

The X-Men and Injustices: A Short Recount/Modern Glimpse

In the Marvel Universe (MU), there are super natural/human beings that have very diverse powers and abilities. Among this group of super beings are the Mutants, though we know a few of them better as the X-Men. According to the Marvel website, “Mutants (also known as “homo superior”) are an offshoot sub-species of humanity who […]

I’ll take “Manga, Comic, or Cartoon” for $400, Alex

I have a confession to make: I’m not very familiar with comics. Throughout my life I have dabbled in different written platforms but mostly stuck to regular old books. My knowledge about comics is limited to looking through my nana’s Calvin and Hobbes collection when I was kid and the manga phase I went through […]