Catholicism in Comics

Catholic representation in comics was brought back to my attention when reading Watchmen for class. I immediately recognized the Lord’s prayer at the Comedians funeral, and decided to look into what other ‘superheros’ were Catholic, and where else in the comic world has Catholicism popped up, when it wasn’t specifically a Catholic graphic novel. […]

Page to Play or Play to Page?

I have been absolutely itching to read Fun Home, but don’t want to spoil it before we start talking about it in class. That being said, it got me wondering about other instances where graphic novels and comics end up on the stage. It is no secret how successful the theatrical adaptation of Fun Home has […]

My Circus, My Monkeys

When I was younger I would sit at my kitchen table and eat my cheerios before I got on the school bus. In an effort to kill time and because I had nothing better to do, I would  look through the comics in the newspaper. One that I found particularly interesting and relatable, was The […]

The Little Things Can Teach You A lot About Life

To be honest, I am just starting my comic journey. I’ve read comics such as Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, and Spiderman. I’ve seen the majority of the Marvel movies and DC Comic movies, but haven’t actually read many graphic novels. So, I still feel I am a newbie that has lots to learn. However, one […]

I Red Some 3-D Comics, and They Blue My Mind

What makes an art style stand the test of time?  How does a stylistic choice within different forms of media transition from a “fad” to widely-used and respected form? Recently, while exploring downtown Fredericksburg, I stopped into a local thrift store and noticed a 2 for $1 bin of a large variety of different comic […]

Does This Count As a Comic?

What do qualities are necessary for something to be deemed a comic strip? Words? Panels? Pictures? We briefly touched on this in class, and I was interested so I wanted to dig into it more. When most people think of comics the Sunday paper pops into their minds. The strips of panels filled with doodles […]

Building and Destroying Community Through Fandom or: Let Me Tell You About Homestuck

So, full disclosure: I am an Internet Grandmother thanks to very little online supervision at a young age. I started watching anime and reading manga in 2nd grade before going to my first convention at age 9. I have seen the rise and fall of fandoms, each with their own social royalty and court system […]

Batman Forever and the Seduction of Spectacle

“Why be brutalized by an uncaring world?” Wayne Tech employee, Edward Nygma eagerly approaches billionaire Bruce Wayne. Brimming with excitement, he presents his latest device. “By stimulating neurons, manipulating brain waves this device makes the audience feel like they’re inside the show.” he explains. But Wayne is hesitant, believing that tampering with brain waves simply […]

Autism Speaks Through PJ

  Hello, I’m Paul Benjamin Riley, II, but everyone calls me P.J. I’m an autism specialist. That’s because I’m autistic! I want you to know that you don’t have to be afraid of me when you see me. I am a normal kid. I like to do things other kids do. I just do them my way. […]