Many people in the US are familiar with comic books and graphic novels, books or pieces of literature told with a sequence of illustrations that tell a story. As stated in our class, graphic novels and comics are different from just the regular picture book as picture books encourage readers to interpret scenes based on […]
Tag: Comic
Graphic Novels Fall Victim to “Social Norms” too

I used to read all the time. My mom would get mad at me for staying up so late reading my book under the covers, pages illuminated by my book light (that she got me, so what did she expect), once I started I wanted to finish. I don’t feel that way about novels anymore, […]
From the Book to the Big Screen, the Dissonance of Comic Heroes

The Boys: Improved From Page to Screen

**Spoilers for The Boys comic series and Amazon television show** TW//gore and SA When it comes to superhero adaptations we’ve seen all sorts of examples. With the MCU being such a prominent force in entertainment people expect a certain amount of effort to adapt their favorite superhero storylines and when it comes to comic accuracy plenty of […]
Do You Really Know Antman?

I first discovered Ant-Man during a part-time summer job at the movie theater. After seeing the movie and Paul Rudd portrayal of the character, Ant-man quickly became my favorite hero in the marvel universe. I wanted to know more about the history of this character and was quite surprised when I found out there have […]
How iZombie Shuffles Down the Line of Adaptation

iZombie is a CW television series by Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero-Wright that is a loose adaptation of the comic book series of the same name by Chris Roberson and Michael Allred. The show qualifies as an adaptation with only a small overlap of the comics. It uses the concept of a zombie woman who must […]
Kick-Ass Reboot

For this weeks blog article, I went to the local comic book store in Fredericksburg to find a graphic novel to write about. I was surprised when I saw that a familiar title had been rebooted. The store had Kick-Ass issues #1 and #2. I was a fan of the movie that was made based […]
Fish, Kites, and Drawing Pains

Recently in class, we have been discussing webcomics. While the comics I tend to read are manga, Marvel comics, or DC comics, I do read some online comics as well. One artist who I follow is a DeviantArt user named Yuumei. She tends to do a lot of artwork but she has written several comics […]
MediBang! Paint Pro as a Comic-Making Program

There are a lot of different painting programs out there ranging from the pricey-as-always-but-always-deliver Adobe products, or Smith Micro Software, to the bare-bones, free download options that many artists use to make art just as well as with more expensive programs. There are a lot of free options that get more exposure than MediBang! Paint […]