Do You Believe in Magic(al Girls)?

Originating in Japan, magical girl or Mahou Shoujo is a genre/category of manga and anime that includes tales about..well…magical girls. The name basically says it all. The classic storyline/origin story usually involves a young girl of around middle or high school age being granted a device which allows her to transform and fight evil. The girls usually […]

Frida Kahlo in a Comic

An artist’s muse can be anything from a song, a color, a person, to pretty much anything in the world. Gavin Aung Thang started a project of comics, Zen Pencils, that were inspired by famous quotes that he finds influential. I remember coming across the comic Strange Like Me and thinking that 10 year old me would […]

Somewhere Over the Rainbow…is a better webcomic

If life was in black and white it be pretty dull but with webcomics its a little more complex. For most webcomic artists the simple yet complex task of coloring their comics makes their art infinitely better. One such example is the webcomic Hazy London (or as it was known as Technicolor London). For the first […]

In Defense of Rebecca Sugar’s Lumpy Art

“I hate this. The art is too lumpy.” Is what my friend said when I sent him one of my favorite early works of Rebecca Sugar, the animator most prominently known for storyboarding Adventure Time and creating Steven Universe. I blinked at my computer screen and leaned closer, trying to fit the words “hate” and […]

Peanuts in the making

For my blog, I wanted to concentrate on a comic that was a little more fun, specifically The Peanuts. This comic started in October of 1950 until February of 2000. Over the years, the Peanuts Comic has developed in different ways including the drawing technique and even the humor. Some themes in the comic The […]

I’ll take “Manga, Comic, or Cartoon” for $400, Alex

I have a confession to make: I’m not very familiar with comics. Throughout my life I have dabbled in different written platforms but mostly stuck to regular old books. My knowledge about comics is limited to looking through my nana’s Calvin and Hobbes collection when I was kid and the manga phase I went through […]