Catholicism in Comics

Catholic representation in comics was brought back to my attention when reading Watchmen for class. I immediately recognized the Lord’s prayer at the Comedians funeral, and decided to look into what other ‘superheros’ were Catholic, and where else in the comic world has Catholicism popped up, when it wasn’t specifically a Catholic graphic novel. […]

From Graphic Novel to Hollywood Film

A noticeable trend has been growing in the film industry in recent years. Graphic novel adaptations have been becoming more and more apparent thanks to a positive audience response asking for more. This topic has been covered in previous blog posts, however the authors focused on one particular adaptation of a film. For this particular blog […]

Hero or Villain?

While reading Watchmen, I thought that Rorschach was a really interesting character. Although, while reading some of the panels I couldn’t help but think, “What if it happened differently?” So, I decided to pick out my favorite panel and make a few changes to it. I actually only made one. In these panels Rorschach is […]