Fanfiction and the Great Appeal

Why do so many people like fanfiction? It has been quite popular for some time, with emerging comics and other artistic works becoming the starting ideas of many new interesting story turn around’s. It is the past time of many who believe there are side stories that can always go along with the main cannon […]

Rick And Morty Is Here To Stay…For Now

The popular television series Rick and Morty which first aired in 2013 has been an ongoing series that has caught the attention of thousands of viewers. At first chugging along at a slow start, in the last couple of years the series has gained an increased percentage of viewers who thrived on the weekly showings of the […]

Why Are We Obsessed With Superheros?

Over the last couple years it seems as though movies have more recently been focusing on the world of superheros. Such comic book companies as Marvel and DC have released titles that are beloved by dedicated comic book readers around the world. Titles such as The Avengers, Black Panther, and, Spider Man, have brought in thousands of movie […]

Why do we crave the gory and dreadful?

In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of comic book adapted television shows that are aired throughout the week. Each month seems to bring titles from years past with the adaptations catching the viewers attention, all the while allowing them to see many beloved comics in real life action. Within this increase of popular […]