LGBTQ + C(omics)

LGBTQ representation in our society has grown substantially throughout recent years. LGBTQ individuals were once brushed off by society, and those who had come out were ridiculed and discriminated against. Society disapproved of being a homosexual and some believed being a homosexual would result in going to hell after death. Families of those who were […]


Nowadays comics are constantly being turned into television shows and films, and this business is growing more and more everyday. Two of the most famous comic developers that have had their work developed into film and television shows are Marvel and DC. However, there are also comics that are based off of previously created television […]

Does This Count As a Comic?

What do qualities are necessary for something to be deemed a comic strip? Words? Panels? Pictures? We briefly touched on this in class, and I was interested so I wanted to dig into it more. When most people think of comics the Sunday paper pops into their minds. The strips of panels filled with doodles […]