“Whatever Knows Fear Burns at the Touch of the Man-Thing.”

Closeup of Man-Thing

What the Hell is Man-Thing? Man-Thing is a character in the Marvel universe; he’s not really a hero, but he’s definitely not a villain.  He first appeared in the 1971 comic Savage Tales, issue number 1 and was created by Stan Lee with the help of Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, and originally drawn by Gray Morrow. To get […]

Getting to Know the History in Overwatch

What is Overwatch? Overwatch is a video game released by Blizzard Entertainment on the PC, Xbox One, and PS4 about two years ago.  It mainly focuses on player versus player (PvP) game modes, but occasionally has player versus environment (PvE) game modes for seasonal events like Halloween.  Because of this, there is no “story mode” […]

What Happens When You’re Drunk at a Nerd Convention?

A Little Background Knowledge: In the autumn of 2016 I took a trip to Atlanta, Georgia with a friend to go to Dragon Con.  Dragon Con, for those who do not know, is a conglomeration of everything that society considers “nerdy.”  There are video games, card games, board games, miniatures games, panels and photo ops […]