Strong Female Protagonist and the Morality of Superheroes

Some spoilers at the end of this post Superhero comics are the classic comic genre, and everyone knows the tropes. Strong Female Protagonist is a webcomic that examines these tropes and subverts them. It’s inclusive and socially conscious. It also features two of my favorite LGBTQ characters in comics, Tara/Feral and Lisa/Paladin. SFP delves into […]

Never Fall For A Straight Boy: LGBTQ People in Webcomics

Spoiler Warning: Check Please!, Paranatural, and Ava’s Demon For nearly two decades, webcomics have become a rising force in the world of graphic novels and comics. Becoming more popular in the early 2000s, webcomics have become more and more common as the public focus shifts from physical copies of comics to digital ones. These webcomics […]

Life’s Not Simple: Oyasumi PunPun and The Reality of Life

Manga/Comics/Graphic Novels have the tendencies to affect our lives in different ways. There are tendencies to reflect on one’s self. Emotion is a common thread in certain stories that revolve around life. You have two possibilities when it comes to emotional books to the extreme, happiness/feel good or terribly depressed. Sadly, with this particular comic […]

The Little Things Can Teach You A lot About Life

To be honest, I am just starting my comic journey. I’ve read comics such as Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, and Spiderman. I’ve seen the majority of the Marvel movies and DC Comic movies, but haven’t actually read many graphic novels. So, I still feel I am a newbie that has lots to learn. However, one […]

I Red Some 3-D Comics, and They Blue My Mind

What makes an art style stand the test of time?  How does a stylistic choice within different forms of media transition from a “fad” to widely-used and respected form? Recently, while exploring downtown Fredericksburg, I stopped into a local thrift store and noticed a 2 for $1 bin of a large variety of different comic […]

Does This Count As a Comic?

What do qualities are necessary for something to be deemed a comic strip? Words? Panels? Pictures? We briefly touched on this in class, and I was interested so I wanted to dig into it more. When most people think of comics the Sunday paper pops into their minds. The strips of panels filled with doodles […]