Auto-graphy: A New Story to Tell

Allison Bechdel’s tragicomic Fun Home pushes the boundaries of what it means to be an autobiography so much so that it has coined a new term for itself: autography. In her article titled “The Space Between: A Narrative Approach to Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home,” Robyn Warhol explains why Bechdel’s breakthrough memoir is deserving of a new […]

Reinforcing Gender in Baby Blues

In a post entitled Sweet, Sweet Baby Blues, blogger Livesay discusses just what it is that makes this 26 year-old comic so lovable. The consensus, it seems, is that the strip is honest, realistic, and relatable. It’s no doubt true that many parents can identify with Darryl and Wanda MacPherson, especially given that the show is […]

Flipping the Script on Romance

If you’re looking for proof that you can publish a comic disassembly project, look no further than Jeanne Martinet’s book, Truer than True Romance: Classic Love Comics Retold. The compilation, published in 2001, parodies classic romance comics of the 1940s-70s by replacing the old dialogue with a new, satiric take. While the images are pure, […]

Urasawa: Shadow From the Window

Japanese comic writer and artist, Naoki Urasawa, is widely regarded as one of the most influential creators in Japanese comics alive today due to his various successful comics, prowess in visual storytelling, and stunning art. Pluto, his 2003 re-imagining of the iconic Osama Tezuka work, Mighty Atom (Astro Boy), displays his art at its finest. In […]

Hero or Villain?

While reading Watchmen, I thought that Rorschach was a really interesting character. Although, while reading some of the panels I couldn’t help but think, “What if it happened differently?” So, I decided to pick out my favorite panel and make a few changes to it. I actually only made one. In these panels Rorschach is […]

Bad to the BONE

  Bone by Jeff Smith was the first graphic novel I ever picked up. I was at a point in my life when I had an insatiable hunger for comics. I was checking out “Garfield” books from the library left and right and I had just finished reading through my Calvin and Hobbes collection for […]

When Your Mom Pledges You To The Wytches

In the comic “Wytches,” by Scott Snyder, the main character Sailor is “pledged” to the wytches so that her mother can live without the witches bringing her continual misfortune. Sailor’s mother is the one that in fact pledges her so that she can continue on with her husband and have another child without worrying about the […]

The Corpse at the Root of the Cherry Tree: Horror and Glamour in Tokyo Babylon

Tokyo. The capital city of Japan. In 1991, its population numbered 11,923,346. Between day and evening, it differed by two million souls. The unparalleled city of night. Even in a world where magic and spirits are real, evil most often takes human form. Tokyo Babylon is the story of Subaru Sumeragi, a sixteen-year-old onmyouji (a […]