Why do we crave the gory and dreadful?

In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of comic book adapted television shows that are aired throughout the week. Each month seems to bring titles from years past with the adaptations catching the viewers attention, all the while allowing them to see many beloved comics in real life action. Within this increase of popular […]

Graphic Novel illiterate

For someone who loves TV shows based off of graphic novels I had never read one until this class.  I quickly learned it’s a whole new level of literacy. My prior experience with comics had been limited to the Sunday comics in the newspaper I use to read at my grandparents house growing up. I […]

Dark Themes in Graphic Novels

Prior to taking this class, I had very little experience with graphic novels. I grew up reading silly comics such as Garfield, or Calvin and Hobbes, but I never read any “serious” comics or graphic novels. From what we have read so far in this class, I can definitely say (in a good way) that […]

What Happens When You’re Drunk at a Nerd Convention?

A Little Background Knowledge: In the autumn of 2016 I took a trip to Atlanta, Georgia with a friend to go to Dragon Con.  Dragon Con, for those who do not know, is a conglomeration of everything that society considers “nerdy.”  There are video games, card games, board games, miniatures games, panels and photo ops […]

The Power of Comics

“…comic strips can have the power of enlightening and transforming the society.” (Muthukumaravel and Mathew 51). Comics, depending on the structure, could be easily classified as art, literature, a form of intervention, or any combination of the three. Here could be classified as art. Through The Woods could be classified as literature. Some comics, such as “Social […]

Bizenghast: An Ode to the Gothic

    Bizenghast was one of the few manga that made me want to buy the art book Bizenghast: Falling into Fear. Keep in mind I wanted this when I was fourteen. It was probably one of the first art books I ever got. The entire presentation of Bizenghast is unique and wonderfully detailed. It […]

Chris (Simpson’s Art)- Cartoon, Comic, or MEME?

                  Chris (Simpson’s Art) …(His surname is unknown) created these intersting and sometimes contreversial pieces of art that I would call a comic (others may refer to them as cartoons or memes). I would like to make the argument that though these images lack panels, speech bubbles, […]

If you give a Maus a cookie

I want to teach middle or high school when I grow up and become a real adult, but a little big part of me will forever be a child who finds joy in making puns based off of favorite childhood books. I try to keep that inner-kid in mind when I think about how and […]

Superman: A Modern Day Zeus

A superhero is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as: a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also : an exceptionally skillful or successful person. With this definition it is easy to see the connection of superheroes to gods of Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology. For this blog I will be looking into similarities between the two […]