Death In The…Gutter?

The gutter is defined as the space between defined comic panels in which the bulk of the action happens. As described by Scott McCloud in chapter three of his book (Blood in the Gutter) some of the most gruesome story telling takes place in the gutter of a graphic novel or comic. While the art […]

History Told From Different Perspectives

History told by Different Perspectives By Stratton Gilmore I am a firm believer that graphic novels are a great way to educate students with both text and visual elements within literature.  As students, we are able to see a point of view along with the narrative text.  Both of these elements create interest in the […]

What Makes a Woman (Gender Identity in Bitch Planet)

Even though our class only read the first volume of Bitch Planet, I continued to check back at a website I found where the newest issues were uploaded every month. Once I reached Issue #8, I noticed an ineteresting development in the story that we hadn’t gotten the chance to experience in class: the comic’s commentary […]

The Neverending Story of Looking for Webcomic

content warning: addiction*~ a more in-depth explanation at the bottom   I hope this isn’t too dramatic (even though truthfully I know it is), but my own experience with addiction is pretty standard. It started with a taste of curiosity that eventually became an insistent void. While some people’s addiction is completely detrimental, mine has […]

Power to the Reader

In many comics the author provides the reader with everything needed to analyze the characters. Readers are comfortable being given all the pieces of the puzzle, while the author sits back and watches to see if his audience can successfully put them together. I am particularly interested in the comics that do the exact opposite. […]

Rorschach’s Psychopathology

Chapter six of “Watchmen” contained many psychological themes, mostly due to Rorschach’s identity aligning with the Rorschach test. To a psychology major this chapter was especially interesting. In clinical psychology the use of Rorschach tests are noted as being extremely unreliable and have no empirical evidence (research) to back up the usefulness of these tests. […]

Reinforcing Gender in Baby Blues

In a post entitled Sweet, Sweet Baby Blues, blogger Livesay discusses just what it is that makes this 26 year-old comic so lovable. The consensus, it seems, is that the strip is honest, realistic, and relatable. It’s no doubt true that many parents can identify with Darryl and Wanda MacPherson, especially given that the show is […]