Scott Pilgrim vs Adaptation

Scott Pilgrim is a series of six graphic novels written by Bryan Lee O’Malley from 2004 to 2010. The story is about a boy who falls for a girl named Ramona Flowers. The catch is in order to be with her he must defeat her 7 evil exes. Intended to be over the top and […]

Chris (Simpson’s Art)- Cartoon, Comic, or MEME?

                  Chris (Simpson’s Art) …(His surname is unknown) created these intersting and sometimes contreversial pieces of art that I would call a comic (others may refer to them as cartoons or memes). I would like to make the argument that though these images lack panels, speech bubbles, […]

Sexualization and Exploitation of the Female Body: Marvel and Bitch Planet Revelaed

Ever notice how superheroines dress? I have, and I have noticed how impractical their costumes and body types are. The fact that these women perform powerful acts in little to no clothing with huge breasts—that surely must get in the way— is incredible. What I have noticed even outside of superheroine comics is that there […]

If you give a Maus a cookie

I want to teach middle or high school when I grow up and become a real adult, but a little big part of me will forever be a child who finds joy in making puns based off of favorite childhood books. I try to keep that inner-kid in mind when I think about how and […]

Superman: A Modern Day Zeus

A superhero is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as: a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also : an exceptionally skillful or successful person. With this definition it is easy to see the connection of superheroes to gods of Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology. For this blog I will be looking into similarities between the two […]

The End: Goodbye Bleach

Throughout the ages drawing and illustration have been a key characteristic of human evolution. When researching and learning about comics and graphic novels, I’ve found that there are a variety of artistic styles concerning comics. One of my favorite forms of this is Manga. This is a Japanese form of comic that is becoming increasingly […]

Death In The…Gutter?

The gutter is defined as the space between defined comic panels in which the bulk of the action happens. As described by Scott McCloud in chapter three of his book (Blood in the Gutter) some of the most gruesome story telling takes place in the gutter of a graphic novel or comic. While the art […]

Agents of the Realm: The Raddest Modern Magical Girls

Have you ever read a comic you liked so much that the moment you put it down, you felt like putting your copy into the face of the nearest person and forcing them to read it too? That kind of moment is special to me as it doesn’t happen particularly often. You could say I’m […]

Comic Books in the YA Genre: The Young Avengers

(Warning! This post contains spoilers for Young Avengers, Vol. 1 as well as Avengers Disassembled.) Since modern comic books cover such a wide range of topics, types, and age ranges, it is often helpful to classify them into standard literary genres. For instance, one aspect of the comic This One Summer that we discussed in class is how […]