With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility – How Spiderman Has Changed Throughout His Lifetime *Spoilers Ahead*

Spiderman was first published in the 1960s. It was then that he started to become one of Marvel’s most popular superheroes. The audience could relate to the character because of his natural wit and his underdog mentality.

Overlapping Time and the Nature of Humanity

Previously on the blog mwinters wrote a post about the use of dialogue in Richard McGuire’s graphic novel Here which you can read here. In this post they discuss the sparse use of dialogue in the book and how the dialogue that is used helps link together the panels. In this post I will be […]

Do You Really Know Antman?

I first discovered Ant-Man during a part-time summer job at the movie theater. After seeing the movie and Paul Rudd portrayal of the character, Ant-man quickly became my favorite hero in the marvel universe. I wanted to know more about the history of this character and was quite surprised when I found out there have […]

The American Comic Book and its Jewish origins

At this point, I think it’s safe to say that over the semester we’ve looked at comics and graphic novels in depth. Like…super in depth. I mean, what else can you do in a class like this? And while it’s been great to see some historical stuff (Oldbuck), read some pretty out there stuff (Das […]

Bringing the Planets to Life: Using Graphic Novels in School

This semester, I am taking an education class that teaches how to incorporate the different arts into the classroom. Recently, we completed an example lesson where we had to create a dance based on the process of how a cloud is formed. This incorporation of art to teach about the clouds reminded me of an […]

A Brief Stylistic History of Comics

This post on 99designs gives a thorough overview of the stylistic variations of comics through the past eighty years. I have summed up these five ages of comics below. The Golden Age (1938-1950) Dealt with social topics, like world war, with unfailing virtue and quick justice. Idyllic, optimistic, superheroic. Basic square grids and high dialogue […]

Of Maus and Men

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tcJLZt6Cnc] The systematic genocide of more than six million Jews during the Holocaust showcased just how cruel and absolutely wicked humans can be, and the personal history and narratives that survived tell a story that we do not want to hear. It is difficult to learn about what happened, heart-wrenching to read about the […]