Shinigami: Japan’s Gods of Death

By Katelyn Wolfgang Warning: Contains some spoilers for Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, and Full Moon Wo Sagashite In manga, Japanese graphic novels, different beliefs of death are depicted. However, one of the most common is the belief in Shinigami, also known as death gods who are often seen involved with death such as collecting the souls […]

Bizenghast: An Ode to the Gothic

    Bizenghast was one of the few manga that made me want to buy the art book Bizenghast: Falling into Fear. Keep in mind I wanted this when I was fourteen. It was probably one of the first art books I ever got. The entire presentation of Bizenghast is unique and wonderfully detailed. It […]

The End: Goodbye Bleach

Throughout the ages drawing and illustration have been a key characteristic of human evolution. When researching and learning about comics and graphic novels, I’ve found that there are a variety of artistic styles concerning comics. One of my favorite forms of this is Manga. This is a Japanese form of comic that is becoming increasingly […]

The Corpse at the Root of the Cherry Tree: Horror and Glamour in Tokyo Babylon

Tokyo. The capital city of Japan. In 1991, its population numbered 11,923,346. Between day and evening, it differed by two million souls. The unparalleled city of night. Even in a world where magic and spirits are real, evil most often takes human form. Tokyo Babylon is the story of Subaru Sumeragi, a sixteen-year-old onmyouji (a […]

The Power of Friendship

In most comics and manga, the main character’s story is one of trouble and tabulation. The main character, generally male, can only grow because of the people around them. Because of these strong connections, the main character becomes more and more powerful until they can defeat the main villain of the story or even just […]

Western Influence in an Eastern Comic

When Hirohiko Araki began JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in 1987, his goal was simply to lampoon the hyper-masculinity of the male interest manga of his time, like Fist of the North Star. 29 years and 95 million copies sold later, JoJo has become a cultural phenomenon, owing much of its massive success to global accessibility. JoJo’s […]

Webcomic to SuperComic

Webcomics in general are very easy to create for the general public. The idea behind them is that anyone with creativity and an internet connection can create one. This means that they can cover endless subjects, genres, styles, and new ideas. One of the most popular Webcomics I know of is called One Punch Man. […]

Do You Believe in Magic(al Girls)?

Originating in Japan, magical girl or Mahou Shoujo is a genre/category of manga and anime that includes tales about..well…magical girls. The name basically says it all. The classic storyline/origin story usually involves a young girl of around middle or high school age being granted a device which allows her to transform and fight evil. The girls usually […]