From the Book to the Big Screen, the Dissonance of Comic Heroes

At the University of Mary Washington
Breaking the 4th wall is such an interesting thing that any creative media can do. It’s always added to my enjoyment of something, and one of the best examples of breaking the 4th wall is Deadpool. He has a wide range of breaking the 4th wall, from turning and talking to the camera to referencing […]
By Hollis Cobb Graphic Novels and Comic Books have developed longstanding traditions of extended, multi-volume series that stand in stark contrast to their novel counterparts. Though there are numerous examples of novel series spanning 4-8 books (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, etc.) with some series passing the ten-book mark (Lemony Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate Events for […]
Marvel and the MCU Marvel has, with no doubt, been one of the most ambitious companies when it comes to adapting comics into TV shows and movies. The MCU consists of 20+ movies and TV shows that all exist in an interconnected universe telling an ever-expanding story, that has plans to continue years into the […]
As a superhero comic, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is unique for a number of reasons: the millennial humor, the distinctly non-sexualized female protagonist, the lighter tone, and the sheer quantity of squirrels, to name a few (some of these elements are discussed more in depth in an earlier blogpost). All of these elements make Squirrel […]
In recent years, comic books have enjoyed a return to the center of discussion in popular media thanks to the raging success of Marvel and DC movies. Having just barely missed the perfect age to grow up reading comics myself, I’ve taken a lot of interest in listening to the discussion of inter-textual relationships between […]
A discussion of villains and popular villain tropes that may or may not make them interesting to watch.
I first discovered Ant-Man during a part-time summer job at the movie theater. After seeing the movie and Paul Rudd portrayal of the character, Ant-man quickly became my favorite hero in the marvel universe. I wanted to know more about the history of this character and was quite surprised when I found out there have […]
This can alternately be titled “Will the MCU ever have a good video game adaptation that isn’t a Lego game?” because while it’s been on fire in the movie department(especially since Black Panther was released) the same cannot be said for the video game department. And yes they have had some success with titles such as Lego […]