Big Daddies and Motherfuckers: The Freudian Misogyny of Kick-Ass 2

Bruce Wayne is a man constantly reliving his traumatic childhood, fighting through it by playing dress up and sneaking out at night. The Fantastic Four is a dysfunctional American family where four childhood friends play house with Sue Storm and Reed Richards fulfilling the roles of mother and father. Captain Marvel is a literal child […]

A Look Back at V for Vendetta

“I know his name was Guy Fawkes and I know in 1605, he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament.” Natalie Portman narrates in a faux-English accent, “I know,” carrying the implication that the American audience does not. Author, Alan Moore’s name will not be found anywhere in the film’s credits; Instead it simply […]

Watchmen and Snyder’s Secretly Satirical Slo-Mo

I find Zack Snyder to be a fairly misunderstood director. Audiences often deride his films, calling them visually impressive, but thematically hollow. 300, Sucker Punch, and Watchmen are the three most prominent examples used in such an argument. Yet, I would argue that all of these films have a more subversive, satirical quality to them […]

Batman Forever and the Seduction of Spectacle

“Why be brutalized by an uncaring world?” Wayne Tech employee, Edward Nygma eagerly approaches billionaire Bruce Wayne. Brimming with excitement, he presents his latest device. “By stimulating neurons, manipulating brain waves this device makes the audience feel like they’re inside the show.” he explains. But Wayne is hesitant, believing that tampering with brain waves simply […]