What Makes a Woman (Gender Identity in Bitch Planet)

Even though our class only read the first volume of Bitch Planet, I continued to check back at a website I found where the newest issues were uploaded every month. Once I reached Issue #8, I noticed an ineteresting development in the story that we hadn’t gotten the chance to experience in class: the comic’s commentary […]

A Colorblind America?: Inaugural Imagery in March: Book Two

In March: Book Two by John Lewis, recurring images of President Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration interrupt the central narrative set within the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s. I’m interested in how these images function, what message they send, particularly in regards to the ending of the book, where such an image is quickly followed […]

The Door to a Promising Author

The webcomic The Outer Door by Yufei has over 2 million views and took 3 years to complete from the first published page to the Epilogue. It is about 110 pages long, however, the page lengths vary making this comic longer than a reader might suspect. The art is lovely, but what caught my eye […]

Scooby Doo Where are You?…Surviving the Apocalypse.

Almost everyone knows who Scooby and the Mystery Gang are. And throughout the years the fans have gotten use to the gang’s appearance and their story line which has not changed a whole lot. But just recently Scooby and his friends have gotten a huge update. In a new DC comic called “Scooby Apocalypse“, Scooby-Doo and the […]

Flipping the Script on Romance

If you’re looking for proof that you can publish a comic disassembly project, look no further than Jeanne Martinet’s book, Truer than True Romance: Classic Love Comics Retold. The compilation, published in 2001, parodies classic romance comics of the 1940s-70s by replacing the old dialogue with a new, satiric take. While the images are pure, […]

Webcomic to SuperComic

Webcomics in general are very easy to create for the general public. The idea behind them is that anyone with creativity and an internet connection can create one. This means that they can cover endless subjects, genres, styles, and new ideas. One of the most popular Webcomics I know of is called One Punch Man. […]

Somewhere Over the Rainbow…is a better webcomic

If life was in black and white it be pretty dull but with webcomics its a little more complex. For most webcomic artists the simple yet complex task of coloring their comics makes their art infinitely better. One such example is the webcomic Hazy London (or as it was known as Technicolor London). For the first […]

The Weird and Wonderful World of Dame Darcy

The first time I read Dame Darcy’s Meat Cake comics, I received it as a gift for either my birthday or Christmas. It was a gift from my Mom’s weird but very cool boyfriend (who is now my father) when I was in high school. A few years later for a Christmas I received The […]

New York City: The Capitol of Dreams, but of Connections?

If you ever read Will Eisner’s comic, “Street Singer,” it’s not the type of story you’d want to read while blasting Taylor Swift’s happy-go-lucky jam, “Welcome to New York”, because, frankly, it’s less joyful. Scratch that. It’s quite a depressing read.  Depressing, yet important.   Metropolitan areas, particularly New York City, represents a place for […]