Genre Inception

According to the Merriam-Webster, a comic is a group of cartoons in narrative sequence. This is a very broad term that leaves many interpretations up for discussion. Despite the ambiguous meaning over many years different authors have begun forming this category through different genres for different audiences. Manga, Graphic Novels, and Webcomics are all various […]

The Little Things Can Teach You A lot About Life

To be honest, I am just starting my comic journey. I’ve read comics such as Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, and Spiderman. I’ve seen the majority of the Marvel movies and DC Comic movies, but haven’t actually read many graphic novels. So, I still feel I am a newbie that has lots to learn. However, one […]

I Red Some 3-D Comics, and They Blue My Mind

What makes an art style stand the test of time?  How does a stylistic choice within different forms of media transition from a “fad” to widely-used and respected form? Recently, while exploring downtown Fredericksburg, I stopped into a local thrift store and noticed a 2 for $1 bin of a large variety of different comic […]

Lord Huron’s Strange Trails: The Comic Book, the Video Series, and the Album Itself

Lord Huron’s second full album, Strange Trails, was released in April of 2015, featuring 14 masterful indie-folk tracks, but the band’s founding member, Ben Schneider, had a much broader idea of what the album could be. His interest in deepening the experience of the band’s music has expanded over several medias including a comic book, […]

Graphic Novel illiterate

For someone who loves TV shows based off of graphic novels I had never read one until this class.  I quickly learned it’s a whole new level of literacy. My prior experience with comics had been limited to the Sunday comics in the newspaper I use to read at my grandparents house growing up. I […]

Bizenghast: An Ode to the Gothic

    Bizenghast was one of the few manga that made me want to buy the art book Bizenghast: Falling into Fear. Keep in mind I wanted this when I was fourteen. It was probably one of the first art books I ever got. The entire presentation of Bizenghast is unique and wonderfully detailed. It […]

Superman: A Modern Day Zeus

A superhero is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as: a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also : an exceptionally skillful or successful person. With this definition it is easy to see the connection of superheroes to gods of Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology. For this blog I will be looking into similarities between the two […]

The End: Goodbye Bleach

Throughout the ages drawing and illustration have been a key characteristic of human evolution. When researching and learning about comics and graphic novels, I’ve found that there are a variety of artistic styles concerning comics. One of my favorite forms of this is Manga. This is a Japanese form of comic that is becoming increasingly […]

History Told From Different Perspectives

History told by Different Perspectives By Stratton Gilmore I am a firm believer that graphic novels are a great way to educate students with both text and visual elements within literature.  As students, we are able to see a point of view along with the narrative text.  Both of these elements create interest in the […]