Paper Girls: The Reference Database

Introduction: The Artist’s Statement One of the most heralded traits of Brian Vaughan’s graphic novel Paper Girls is its dedication to immersing its characters and its readers in the setting of the story: the early morning hours of November 1, 1988. The comic’s pages are flooded with references to the time period from the political […]

Babymouse: Exploring Mental Disorders in children’s comics

Babymouse has always been a favorite childhood comic of mine. I first started reading it in the fifth grade when I came across it in my school’s library. The story follows a sassy little mouse girl named Babymouse, whom of which gets stuck in her daydreams, which ends up getting herself in trouble at school. […]

Written for the Male Gaze by the Male Gaze- Watchmen’s Misogyny

.  “Watchmen” by Alan Moore is said to be a revolutionary piece in comic history, and sure it may stray away from the classic, static superheros that came before but that remains true for only its male characters. So how revolutionary can it be? Let’s dive into Moore’s misogynist representation of women in the “Watchmen” […]

Is “Invincible” the best animated comic book adaptation?

When it comes to comic book adaptation most people think of the MCU as the blueprint when it comes to creating a successful adaption simply because of the box office success they have had as well as the cult like following they have. This has caused so many other comic adaptations to try and go […]

Superman Is Not An Overpowered Boy Scout, He’s THE Overpowered Boy Scout.

What can be said about the Last Son of Krypton that hasn’t already been said? We all already know everything about him, his origins, his secret identity, his powers, his supporting cast, his personality, etc. But lets think all of that over again, because, while we all already know these things, I feel like there’s […]

Putting Anti-Fascism Back into Comics

Captain America punching Adolf Hitler on the cover of Captain America issue #1 from 1941.

There are many examples of Superheroes from the Golden Age of comics (Late 1930s to mid-1950s) that were created as direct opponents of fascism, and many villains represented, or literally considered fascists. Jack Kirby, the creator of Captain America and many other major characters in the Marvel Universe, is famous for his efforts to ward […]

Tie-In Comics and what they do

Something that I find interesting about some comics is how they relate to other media that are not necessarily comics themselves. Like, how a game such as Transformers: Fall of Cybertron can leave some loose ends unanswered or expand on potential ideas to create a new story that while it doesn’t change the entire outcome […]

Evil Government Robots: Friend or Foe?

    How technology’s strong influence affects the world around it By Miranda Colbert           Released in 2008, the Sardine in Outer Space series by Emmanuel Guibert let out its sixth volume continuing the adventures of the well known group. It centers around a short and feisty girl named Sardine, her best friend […]