The Sandman: From Page to Screen

Spoilers ahead for the DC comic and Netflix show Translating a comic from its pages to the screen is no easy feat. Especially when the comic being adapted comes from the complex mind of Neil Gaiman. Despite that difficulty, the countless people who worked on the Netflix series “The Sandman” were able to relay some […]

Foreign Femme Fatal: The Character Assassination of Talia Al Ghul

Talia Al Ghul has existed in the DC universe for 51 years since her first appearance in 1971. As the daughter of Ra’s Al Ghul, she is an expert and trained assassin who, despite being loyal to her father and his position as head of the League of Assassins, is often characterized as an antihero […]

The Forgotten Wonder Woman

In recent years, comic books have enjoyed a return to the center of discussion in popular media thanks to the raging success of Marvel and DC movies. Having just barely missed the perfect age to grow up reading comics myself, I’ve taken a lot of interest in listening to the discussion of inter-textual relationships between […]

A Look Back at V for Vendetta

“I know his name was Guy Fawkes and I know in 1605, he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament.” Natalie Portman narrates in a faux-English accent, “I know,” carrying the implication that the American audience does not. Author, Alan Moore’s name will not be found anywhere in the film’s credits; Instead it simply […]

Watchmen and Snyder’s Secretly Satirical Slo-Mo

I find Zack Snyder to be a fairly misunderstood director. Audiences often deride his films, calling them visually impressive, but thematically hollow. 300, Sucker Punch, and Watchmen are the three most prominent examples used in such an argument. Yet, I would argue that all of these films have a more subversive, satirical quality to them […]

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…

Superman’s profile. Superman is an ongoing American comic book series featuring the DC Comics superhero Superman as the main protagonist. Superman is the sole survivor of the planet Krypton. Jonathan and Martha Kent found the infant inside the vessel and brought him to their farm in Smallville, Kansas. Since he appeared entirely human, the Kents assumed that the baby was […]

Batman Forever and the Seduction of Spectacle

“Why be brutalized by an uncaring world?” Wayne Tech employee, Edward Nygma eagerly approaches billionaire Bruce Wayne. Brimming with excitement, he presents his latest device. “By stimulating neurons, manipulating brain waves this device makes the audience feel like they’re inside the show.” he explains. But Wayne is hesitant, believing that tampering with brain waves simply […]

Tripping over Adaptations of the DC Universe

In the past few years, we’ve seen a huge surge in popularity towards the comic book universes, particularly where Marvel and DC are concerned (sometimes it’s easy to forget there are others, it’s just that those two are big, loud and rich). Of course, these comics have always held a strong cult following, and are […]

The Maze in Court of Owls

A descent into madness, it can be an incredibly entertaining and disturbing scene to witness depending on how you see it. It speaks to a deep down depraved part of our humanity buried and lying dormant. It can be easy to illustrate someone losing their grip, but difficult make the audience feel it. The perception […]