A Journey Through Hell: Mental Illness as a Game Mechanic

Last August, Ninja Theory self-published a third-person action game following the narrative of a Celtic woman journeying through the hell found in Norse mythology, titled Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. During the development cycle this game made waves through its proposal and occupation of a space known as indie AAA, with identifying characteristics as a small team, […]

Lord Huron’s Strange Trails: The Comic Book, the Video Series, and the Album Itself

Lord Huron’s second full album, Strange Trails, was released in April of 2015, featuring 14 masterful indie-folk tracks, but the band’s founding member, Ben Schneider, had a much broader idea of what the album could be. His interest in deepening the experience of the band’s music has expanded over several medias including a comic book, […]

Dyslexics Can Read Too?

Dyslexia is a common learning disorder that affects how someone perceives the order of words, sentences, or other symbols. This creates difficulty perceiving the intended message that has been written out. However, it is important to know that dyslexia has no effect on the intelligence of a single person. In fact, some of the smartest […]

Was Batman Vs Superman actually worse than the Dark Knight Trilogy?

   The answer to that is absolutely and without question. For those who are familiar with these movies will know that the dark knight trilogy has had more ratings and more attraction than Batman vs Superman.  Like most people in this class this is my first time being introduced to the world of comics in […]

The Meme Man: Who lives on Meme(y) Lane

By: Nathaniel Moxley   This is the meme man. Often seen online in multiple deranged memes, he is nothing more than a poorly rendered image of a 3-D head. In terms of memes though, not many people are aware of his origin, and don’t know that he is actually from a series of short comic strips. […]

Shinigami: Japan’s Gods of Death

By Katelyn Wolfgang Warning: Contains some spoilers for Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, and Full Moon Wo Sagashite In manga, Japanese graphic novels, different beliefs of death are depicted. However, one of the most common is the belief in Shinigami, also known as death gods who are often seen involved with death such as collecting the souls […]

Dark Themes in Graphic Novels

Prior to taking this class, I had very little experience with graphic novels. I grew up reading silly comics such as Garfield, or Calvin and Hobbes, but I never read any “serious” comics or graphic novels. From what we have read so far in this class, I can definitely say (in a good way) that […]

Tripping over Adaptations of the DC Universe

In the past few years, we’ve seen a huge surge in popularity towards the comic book universes, particularly where Marvel and DC are concerned (sometimes it’s easy to forget there are others, it’s just that those two are big, loud and rich). Of course, these comics have always held a strong cult following, and are […]

Netflix and Comics

It was announced in August that Netflix bought comics publisher Millarworld. Fortune posted an article stating that this acquisition was in the hopes of drawing in a new audience. This is similar to the business strategy of Disney and their purchase of Marvel Studios. That leads to the question, could Netflix produce the next big […]