From Graphic Novel to Hollywood Film

A noticeable trend has been growing in the film industry in recent years. Graphic novel adaptations have been becoming more and more apparent thanks to a positive audience response asking for more. This topic has been covered in previous blog posts, however the authors focused on one particular adaptation of a film. For this particular blog […]

Pictures Worth a Thousand Words

In this class we have briefly touched on what makes a graphic novel a graphic novel. Some define a graphic novel as simply a novel in comic strip format. Other definitions are slightly more complicated, but they usually all involve mention of sequential art as the defining feature of a graphic novel. As my research […]

Comic to Film: Iron Man

With the rise of Marvel Studios in the film industry, they have started to turn their most beloved comics into movies. For those that had not read the comics associated with each movie, the movies are a segue into the comic universe where those new readers understand that differences are bound to happen as movies […]

Emily Carroll’s Psychological Webcomic World: Dream or Reality?

Earlier in the semester, we explored Emily Carrol’s first printed graphic novel, Through the Woods. I enjoy horror films because I love being scared and the short-lived adrenaline rush you get from watching something on screen pop up out of nowhere. When reading Through the Woods, it wasn’t so much a fast-paced adrenaline rush I experienced; […]

Junji Ito at the Intersection of Horror and Comedy

In 2008, horror manga artist and dog person Junji Ito was met with a curse more daunting than any he had ever inflicted upon his protagonists: owning cats. Two of them. First was Mu—a sweet Norwegian forest cat with big fur and a welcoming face—who was soon followed by his fiancée’s family cat, Yon: the “cursed” […]

Novel to Graphic

In lieu of the popularity of Japanese manga, the need to expand their audience, and also to further a product line, book publishing companies are starting to adapt young adult novels into graphic novels.There is already a large economy based on the production of manga and anime, so some American publishers tried their hand at […]

Different paces and stages

A theme that often occurs in the graphic novel “This One Summer” is the tug of friendship between Rose and Windy as they both face adolescence at different paces and stages throughout their lives. This theme can be seen multiple times throughout the novel, including: when they are at the beach and Windy is obviously […]

This One Summer: Depression and Families.

  “The One Summer” by Mariko Tamaki was one of my favorite comics that we have read this semester. The comic had one theme that stood out to me and was consistent throughout the book and affected all of the characters and that was depression. The mom of Rose, Alice, was going through a lot […]