She Will Tip the Balance and Change the World Forever! Probably.

When one hears the phrase “magical girl,” glittery transformation sequences, picture-perfect friendships, pretty outfits, and cute animal companions spring to mind. The Line Webtoon comic Apricot Cookie(s)! by Louistrations parodies Japanese magical girl manga and anime tropes, shattering those crystalline figures of beauty and love-ly power forever as the story is created within the traditional […]

But… think of the CHILDREN!! Comic Rating Systems 1950-Today

Some of you may be familiar with the MPAA, or Motion Picture Association of America. This is a large lobbying and regulatory group that represents the six largest studios in the US. This is also the agency that rates movies on a scale of G to NC-17. Originally, movies were rated based on state decisions. […]

Netflix and Anime? A Review of the Netflix Original Series The Seven Deadly Sins

Anime, it seems now, is becoming more and more a part of main stream media in American society today. With this new uprising it seems companies are trying to capitalize on this former niche market created from the graphic novels originating in Japan. One big one that we all use today is Netflix with it’s […]

MediBang! Paint Pro as a Comic-Making Program

There are a lot of different painting programs out there ranging from the pricey-as-always-but-always-deliver Adobe products, or Smith Micro Software, to the bare-bones, free download options that many artists use to make art just as well as with more expensive programs. There are a lot of free options that get more exposure than MediBang! Paint […]

Kats, Nekos, and the USA: Preparing for an anime convention

I have gone to conventions since my freshman year of high school. My first anime convention was actually at Rust Library up in Loudoun County. It was a small convention where we got to make candy sushi, played games, had a cosplay and artwork contest, and had a manga swap where we could take as […]

Life’s Not Simple: Oyasumi PunPun and The Reality of Life

Manga/Comics/Graphic Novels have the tendencies to affect our lives in different ways. There are tendencies to reflect on one’s self. Emotion is a common thread in certain stories that revolve around life. You have two possibilities when it comes to emotional books to the extreme, happiness/feel good or terribly depressed. Sadly, with this particular comic […]

The Little Things Can Teach You A lot About Life

To be honest, I am just starting my comic journey. I’ve read comics such as Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, and Spiderman. I’ve seen the majority of the Marvel movies and DC Comic movies, but haven’t actually read many graphic novels. So, I still feel I am a newbie that has lots to learn. However, one […]

The Do’s, The Dont’s, and The Dere’s of Manga

In manga and Japanese film, the term “-dere” refers to a specific character archetype or personality type. Although it’s not required that you know which character in your novel falls under which archetype, it’s still fun to know. There are four widely known types, which I have marked with an *. The others are still […]