Netflix and Anime? A Review of the Netflix Original Series The Seven Deadly Sins

Anime, it seems now, is becoming more and more a part of main stream media in American society today. With this new uprising it seems companies are trying to capitalize on this former niche market created from the graphic novels originating in Japan. One big one that we all use today is Netflix with it’s […]

Watchmen and Snyder’s Secretly Satirical Slo-Mo

I find Zack Snyder to be a fairly misunderstood director. Audiences often deride his films, calling them visually impressive, but thematically hollow. 300, Sucker Punch, and Watchmen are the three most prominent examples used in such an argument. Yet, I would argue that all of these films have a more subversive, satirical quality to them […]

MediBang! Paint Pro as a Comic-Making Program

There are a lot of different painting programs out there ranging from the pricey-as-always-but-always-deliver Adobe products, or Smith Micro Software, to the bare-bones, free download options that many artists use to make art just as well as with more expensive programs. There are a lot of free options that get more exposure than MediBang! Paint […]

Interactivity Outside the Source Medium

One of the most exciting moments I had with a comic book when I was younger involved decrypting an alien language, albeit with some incredibly basic steps. The Dead Space series has had a number of books, comics, movies, and video games released regarding its dark universe filled with creatures reanimated from the bodies of intrepid space […]

Did Maximum Ride Really Need A Graphic Novel?

When I was younger, I spent…a lot of time standing in the manga section of Books-A-Million just deciding what issue of the most popular manga I wanted. And since I spent a good chunk of time just looking at the books, I often noticed a new trend in the Manga/Graphic Novel section: graphic novel adaptations […]

Kats, Nekos, and the USA: Preparing for an anime convention

I have gone to conventions since my freshman year of high school. My first anime convention was actually at Rust Library up in Loudoun County. It was a small convention where we got to make candy sushi, played games, had a cosplay and artwork contest, and had a manga swap where we could take as […]

Catholicism in Comics

Catholic representation in comics was brought back to my attention when reading Watchmen for class. I immediately recognized the Lord’s prayer at the Comedians funeral, and decided to look into what other ‘superheros’ were Catholic, and where else in the comic world has Catholicism popped up, when it wasn’t specifically a Catholic graphic novel. […]