Black Panther is Overrated (and here’s why) – Part 02

Continuing the same sentiment as the previous article, I’d like to reiterated the same sentiments I had.  I don’t think Black Panther is a bad film, but I simply don’t see it as deserving the overwhelming amount of praise that it has received for many reasons.  In particular, the film isn’t that well thought-out.  A […]

It’s time to point the Finger. Who really wrote Batman?

Self confessed documentary geek here! When in doubt I always go to documentaries, see what ever obscure fact I can find, and increase my knowledge about. This one absolutely blew my mind. As previously mentioned in other posts (I think) I love comic shows and comic movies, but I have never read one until this […]

I Really Like This One

We’ve read some really amazing graphic novels in this class. A Contract with God made me think about expectations from life and the reality of human beings, Watchmen made me consider how time is always running out, how rules and order aren’t always right, and so much more, Fun Home visually showed me the complexity of human relationships and […]

“Whatever Knows Fear Burns at the Touch of the Man-Thing.”

Closeup of Man-Thing

What the Hell is Man-Thing? Man-Thing is a character in the Marvel universe; he’s not really a hero, but he’s definitely not a villain.  He first appeared in the 1971 comic Savage Tales, issue number 1 and was created by Stan Lee with the help of Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, and originally drawn by Gray Morrow. To get […]

Terrific Trio: Three Tantalizing Comics

The most important thing that I’ve learned about comics because of this course is that they are meant to be shared, discussed, and reflected upon.  For my final blog post, I would like to share three comics that I found recently at Riverby Books in downtown Fredericksburg. (If you haven’t been, I highly recommend a […]

How Far is too Far? A Comic that Pushes It

Trigger warnings: Murder, Graphic gore, Rape, suicide, extreme language to include some slurs, pedophilia, child murder, nudity, necrophilia, cannibalism, self mutilation, incest (family ties)   You have to say to yourself sometimes while consuming content: there’s no way they would go there. Right? Well, Crossed goes there. I read some of these comics quite a few years ago and needless […]

Bitter Bouquet – Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent

WARNING – Post contains concepts, images, and “outdated” ideas that may be disturbing.  Proceed with caution. Gardening consists largely in protecting plants from blight and weeds, and the same is true in attending to the growth of children.  If a plant fails to grow properly because attacked by a pest, only a poor gardener would […]