Is New Always Better?

In 2002, Bill Jemas, the president of Marvel at the time, and Peter David, one of Marvel’s head writers, made a bet. Both men were going to write a small comic series and then would let the public decide which was better. Peter wrote Captain Marvel, which lasted for 25 issues. Jemas wrote Marville, which […]

Lilah Sturges: Transgener Trailblazer of the Comic World

I was pursuing on Twitter a few weeks ago when I came across the account of a woman named Lilah Sturges, a transgender comic writer. I went through her twitter and felt inclined to reflect on some of her statements for my next blog post- so here I am. Lilah Sturges is known for comics […]

She Will Tip the Balance and Change the World Forever! Probably.

When one hears the phrase “magical girl,” glittery transformation sequences, picture-perfect friendships, pretty outfits, and cute animal companions spring to mind. The Line Webtoon comic Apricot Cookie(s)! by Louistrations parodies Japanese magical girl manga and anime tropes, shattering those crystalline figures of beauty and love-ly power forever as the story is created within the traditional […]


Nowadays comics are constantly being turned into television shows and films, and this business is growing more and more everyday. Two of the most famous comic developers that have had their work developed into film and television shows are Marvel and DC. However, there are also comics that are based off of previously created television […]

Why Are We Obsessed With Superheros?

Over the last couple years it seems as though movies have more recently been focusing on the world of superheros. Such comic book companies as Marvel and DC have released titles that are beloved by dedicated comic book readers around the world. Titles such as The Avengers, Black Panther, and, Spider Man, have brought in thousands of movie […]

Watchmen and Snyder’s Secretly Satirical Slo-Mo

I find Zack Snyder to be a fairly misunderstood director. Audiences often deride his films, calling them visually impressive, but thematically hollow. 300, Sucker Punch, and Watchmen are the three most prominent examples used in such an argument. Yet, I would argue that all of these films have a more subversive, satirical quality to them […]

A Brief Stylistic History of Comics

This post on 99designs gives a thorough overview of the stylistic variations of comics through the past eighty years. I have summed up these five ages of comics below. The Golden Age (1938-1950) Dealt with social topics, like world war, with unfailing virtue and quick justice. Idyllic, optimistic, superheroic. Basic square grids and high dialogue […]