Mental Illness As Illustrated By rubyetc Through Silly Comics

I’ll just get straight to the point. This whole article is dedicated to silly drawings of vaguely humanoid blobs, and a chicken. These are comics by rubyetc (or rubyetc_ on Instagram) depicting some of her experiences with mental illness. Typically, when we imagine an illness, we think of the flu, or tuberculosis, etc. Something related […]

Is New Always Better?

In 2002, Bill Jemas, the president of Marvel at the time, and Peter David, one of Marvel’s head writers, made a bet. Both men were going to write a small comic series and then would let the public decide which was better. Peter wrote Captain Marvel, which lasted for 25 issues. Jemas wrote Marville, which […]

Not Like the Orginal-Avengers: Infinity War

Marvel recently released the newest trailer to the upcoming Marvel movie, Avengers: Infinity War. The highly anticipated movie has fans wanting to know what will happen in this movie but it was said in this article from Screenrant that it will not follow the story that was in the original comics. Cast members of the […]

Black Panther: Yet Another Great Marvel Movie

Introduction So, Black Panther, the lastest Marvel installment has been out for just around a month. It already has stellar reviews by fans and critics alike and has just recently reached over a billion dollars in box office. I’ve already outlined why marvel movies are inherently great but now I want to figure out why Black […]


Nowadays comics are constantly being turned into television shows and films, and this business is growing more and more everyday. Two of the most famous comic developers that have had their work developed into film and television shows are Marvel and DC. However, there are also comics that are based off of previously created television […]

But… think of the CHILDREN!! Comic Rating Systems 1950-Today

Some of you may be familiar with the MPAA, or Motion Picture Association of America. This is a large lobbying and regulatory group that represents the six largest studios in the US. This is also the agency that rates movies on a scale of G to NC-17. Originally, movies were rated based on state decisions. […]